I am so excited to announce to you that Dave and I got engaged this past weekend! It was perfect, and we are soooooo excited!
Now, for a re-run of the days events according to Molly...
Well, it all started out one day when I was at work and Dave had emailed me and asked for my schedule for the next week. Note to self: Dave never asks my schedule unless he is trying to plan something, and he usually immediately follows up with something like, "Oh, well since your off this day, maybe we could go do x, y, z. Never heard back from him. I immediately become suspicious, but attempted to play it cool.
Fast forward to the next week and I make this gourmet (ok not really gourmet) but delicious spaghetti dinner for Dave for after he gets off work. We are finishing eating dinner and he says to me, "So, do we have plans on Sunday?" I say, "No, why?" The immediate suspicious piece pops up again in me. He responds very chill like, and says, "Oh, well I am planning a daytrip for us, but I really want it to be a surprise, so I'm not going to tell you anything about it." We are on like red alert by now, super suspicious of the "surprise daytrip," and getting a little bit (ok a lot of bit) excited! Also, let's not pretend that I didn't try to pry some details out. For example, I framed my questions very strategically and said something like, "Well, I should probably know what I should wear." He very quickly responded, "Yeah, I'll tell you right before you need to know." He was tough, I got nothing. Dave is patient. I am not. I'm working on it.
Sunday May 22, 2011 rolls around. We embark on this "daytrip." First stop was Lisa's Radial Cafe for a little breakfast. Of course I was basically crawling out of my skin at this point so I could barely eat let alone choke down my coffee! :)
This is where Dave informed of what my attire should be: Hiking clothes. Now, where in the heck are we going in Nebraska that I need hiking clothes? But, I trust, and attempt to play it cool (note: I did not play it cool very well). I change into my hiking clothes and head back over to Dave's house. He has packed a picnic, blanket, and a backpack. I thought about rummaging through the backpack, but kept my cool by not.
With puppy by our sides, we are off. But, to where? I have no idea. But, Dave is completely cool and calm about the whole thing. In fact, you would have thought it was just another day for him. I, on the other hand, am still crawling out of my skin so excited for the possibility! So, we're driving, and driving some more, and at some point I'm wondering if maybe he's leaving me for dead because there is not much around. But, he assured me that was hardly his plan. So, keep driving, and pretty soon signs for Nebraska City start popping up. There is an end in sight!
He pulls up to the Arbor State Park in Nebraska City. Really beautiful day. Blue sky, sunshine, pretty trees and landscaping. I am so excited at this point. Watching his every move. Like a hawk. :) We take the puppy on a walk around the park, we go look at the old historic spots. Really sweet.
At this point, I'm getting hungry. We all know that I love to eat. Good thing he packed a picnic. Also, there just happens to be this sweet little gazebo at the park, so we decide to park ourselves there. So, we bust out the picnic which consisted of turkey and cheese sandwiches, fruit snacks, strawberries, grapes, and water. We are enjoying our lunch, just chatting away. And, then we finish lunch. I say, "What's next?!" He says, "Hold on." I'm dying at this point. So excited. He's rummaging through his backpack, he comes back with the ring box, he gets down on one knee, and says, "There's a question that I've been wanting to ask you. Will you marry me?" My heart is pounding, I cry a little bit, I scream, "YES!" We hug. We kiss. We're so excited! We're going to the chapel and we're gonna get married! Ah, I can't wait!!! So, that's our sweet little story from my view.
Maybe Dave will do a guest blog and tell you all about the previous events, like asking my parents for permission :) But, for now we are so happy and so excited!