Hi Friends, Family, and Faithful Readers!
I'm sitting with my feet up on the coffee table, cold drink in my hand, and a mountain view out the window as my future hubby insists that I work on my blog and photos while he prepares us a delicious dinner--chicken parmesan with pasta!
Well, yesterday, we took a hike to Boulder Lake. Here is one of my favorite pictures I took of the hike.
And, some more pretty pictures of the hike...
A few of Dave and me...
And, what else can I tell you? We went out to a delicious Mexican Dinner last night at an authentic Mexican Restaurant called, Hacienda Real. Then, snuggled in for movie night.
Today, we hiked Lily Pad Lake, which was fun. It's right down the street from the house so no driving to trailheads. Here's a picture at the top of the lake..check out all of those Lily Pads!
And, let's see after the hike we tried to go Kayaking, but all of the kayaks were booked, so we settled for the swimming pool. Well, I think it's time for dinner.
Hope everyone has a good night!