Monday, September 4, 2017

a timeline of events...

A quick catch-up...

7/2013...we moved to Houston, Texas as I pursued a Nurse Practitioner Fellowship position in oncology at The University of Texas MD Anderson. We stayed an additional 2 years where I worked in genitourinary medical oncology. During this time, Dave was able to keep his current job in Omaha with Nelnet working from home in Houston. 

10/9/15..we welcomed sweet baby James Becker Lupo into the world at Texas Women's Hospital. He weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces and 20.5 inches. Here is Jamesy's birth story...
On 10/9/15, my water broke around 4:30 am. My contractions hadn't started yet, so Dave and I went back to bed (whoops). Around 7 am, I woke up and called the doctor- who wanted us to come to the hospital. So, we packed our bags, and off we went. Of course there was a train, and we had to wait for what seemed like forever! We got to the hospital around 8 am, where we got checked in, and I had an awesome nurse. I was still only 1 cm, so they started pitocin. Around 1 pm, the contractions were picking up, so I got the epidural- the epidural was awesome!! Around 5 pm I had stalled out around 6 cm, and my doctor stopped by to say she thought it might take a bit longer to get you out. However, from about 6 pm to 7 pm, I went from 6 cm to 9 cm, and you started to descend further- that was some serious pressure and pain. The nurse (at shift change) asked me if I wanted a bolus of the epidural, which I didn't even know I could have- I responded with a resounding yes! The anesthesiologist came and gave me the bolus- took away all my pain. I slept for the next hour and a half, they checked me again and I was fully dilated. We labored down for about 45 minutes, did some practice pushing, and you were crowning! Daddy could see your head! The nurse called Dr. Davis (my ob), and in the team came. I pushed for about 45 minutes- no pain, just pressure, and the next thing I knew, they handed me the most perfect and precious baby at 10:10 pm.

8/ Mom and Dad flew down to Houston to help us pack up our house, and we moved back home to Omaha, Nebraska. We drove 16 hours in 1 day with a 10 month old. We listened to a lot of "How Great Thou Art," because it would always calm James down, and it got us through the trip! As we waited for our house to sell, we moved into my parents basement with a baby- they were troopers as we invaded a lot of space with our stuff, baby, dog, and well us!

9/2016...we baptized sweet baby James at St. Vincent De Paul with his Godparents Kirstin and Chris Fasbender.

10/4/16... I started my new job at Nebraska Medicine working in medical oncology as a Nurse Practitioner.

10/9/2017...James turned 1! He had a dinosaur themed birthday party as his favorite books all revolved around dinosaurs. I made him a dinosaur cake that he was apprehensive about until he took a couple of bites. Family was able to come, and James had a great time!

3/2017...we found and bought a beautiful home in Bennington, Nebraska- less than a mile from my parents, and it has been so nice having them so close by. Lots of bbqs, brunches, and playtime for the babes.

8/10/17... we welcomed Claire Ivory Lupo into this world weighing in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and 21 inches long. Quick birth story. I had woken up with cramps around 1 am on 8/10/17, didn't think much of it, took a quick shower and went back to bed. I was still pretty uncomfortable, so I got back up and took a bath, and told myself if things didn't get better, I would time these supposed contractions. Things still did not improve. I wake Dave up to tell him I think I'm in labor. We time a couple of contractions...5 minutes apart. We call my Dad who has been "on-call" for helping us with James for when we go into the hospital. He answers, "IS THIS THE CALL?" I reply, "Yes, Dad, I think I'm finally in labor. You better head over." He gets here about 4 am. We check into Lakeside hospital about 4:30 AM. I'm told I need to drink a liter of water, and walk the halls- make sure I'm in real labor. At this time, I ask about my epidural, and the nurse tells me I have to drink the water and walk the halls first. I was slightly annoyed, as the contractions weren't that comfortable, and I really wanted that epidural...anyways. I pass the drinking water test/walking the halls, and they decide it's real labor, and they are going to admit me..this is about 8 am. I go from 1 cm, to 3 cm, to 7 cm pretty quickly- around 11 am I was already at 7 cm. We thought I'd have the baby early afternoon, but once I got the epidural things kind of stalled out, and I hung out at 7 cm for awhile. At that time, they added a little pitocin to get things moving again, and I was fully dilated around 4 or 4:30 pm. I started pushing at 4:40, and baby Claire was here and in our arms by 4:58 pm! We welcomed big brother James and his Grandparents to the hospital that evening, Connie and Mark came by to see and snuggle the baby as well. Grandma and Grandpa Lupo arrived the next evening to see sweet baby Claire with more visits from Nonna and Gunga, and Connie and Mark. We went him on 8/19/17, and have been snuggling and loving on Claire ever since. We were a bit worried how big brother James would take the news but he has been such a good big brother, and will come give her a "hover hands" hug, and occasionally pet her head very gently. Oh, and sometimes he tries to take his trucks and use her legs as race tracks. 

momma and baby james circa 10/2015

momma, daddy, and baby james
momma, daddy, james, and claire- 8/10/17

Claire // a couple of hours old

the whole fam

james meetin' sissy

baby james // 2 weeks old

baby james. 